Environment friendly approach is the need of the hour for modern agricultural industries. This green house technology controls the humidity as well as the temperature of the plants.
This project IEEE Project on Embedded System Based Implementation of Drip Irrigation for the first perhaps designs a microcontroller based system which will control physical parameters as well as maintain records for future references.
In an arid country like India, farmers continue to follow primitive methods of irrigation resulting in inadequate use of water. Thus irrigation can be done properly with minimal wastage of water by using automatic microcontroller type of drip irrigation system which irrigates the agricultural fields only when there is an extreme need of water
The IEEE Based Electronics Student project comprises of moisture and temperature sensors and every part of the field houses these. These sensors are buried at a specific depth. Once the optimum moisture level in the soil is reached these signal to the microcontroller. Before it reaches the microcontroller, it is amplified and converted to the digital form by A/D converter and transmitted to the microcontroller which controls the valves
An LCD module is used to observe the current readings of sensors as well as status of other readings. A chemical unit is also provided to supply fertilizers, pesticides and nutrients too. To compute the total quantity of water consumed, a flow meter is also attached. The readings obtained can be forwarded to centralized computer for further analysis.
Thus this project provides an efficient system coupled with feedback to monitor and also control all activities associated with drip irrigation system. This project can be implemented for large scale farms with optimum expenditure. This not only save manpower and water but also brings in profit in the long term. Problems like soil erosion and nutrient leaching can be avoided too.
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